Tennis (Girls V) Tennis (Boys V)
By Matt DeVault | Jul 12, 2024 12:00 PM

Central Indiana Conference Tennis Traveling Trophy The CIC is currently made up of Alexandria, Blackford, Eastbrook, Elwood, Frankton, Madison Grant, Mississinewa, & Oak Hill. In 2019 we added the CIC Traveling Trophy. It is a vintage racket with a plate made for the middle listing all the teams. The movement of the trophy is listed below: _____________________________________________________________________________ Girls Tennis (Currently held by Alexandria): 4-30-24: Alexandria vs Mississinewa (Alex captured w/ 3-2 win over Miss) 5-8-23: Mississinewa vs Alexandria (Miss captured w/ 3-2 win over Alexandria) 4-29-21: Alexandria vs Frankton (Alex captured w/ 3-2 win over Frankton) 4-23-21: Frankton vs Madison Grant (Frankton captured w/ 5-0 win over MG) 5-10-19: Madison Grant vs Mississinewa (MG captured w/ 3-2 win over Miss) 4-30-19: Alexandria vs Mississinewa (Miss captured w/ 3-2 win over Alex) 4-24-19: Alexandria vs Blackford opened the new CIC Traveling Trophy. _____________________________________________________________________________ Boys Tennis (Currently held by Madison Grant): 9-31-22: Madison Grant vs Mississinewa (MG captured w/ 4-1 win over Miss) 9-16-19: Alexandria vs Mississinewa (Miss captured w/ a 5-0 win over Alex) 9-16-19: Alexandria vs Mississinewa opened the new CIC Traveling Trophy.